Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau
Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau
Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau

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February 7, 2024

Feb 7, 2024

Feb 7, 2024


Oğulcan Özdemir

Marketing and Analytics

Marketing and Analytics



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Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau
Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau
Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau

Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau

To succeed in the dynamic world of online platforms and applications, it is essential to understand user engagement. However, engagement is not a one-dimensional concept. Many shades of participation range from casual browsing to dedicated participation.

Metrics such as Active and Engaged Users play a crucial role here. Marketing and data analysts use them to improve strategies and increase user value by understanding user behavior.

a dashboard that shows engagement metrics

Let's get familiar with the key players:

  • DAU (Daily Active Users): Represents the number of users interacting with your platform on a given day.

  • DEU (Daily Engaged Users): Engages users by focusing on their specific actions (e.g., making a purchase, posting).

  • WAU (Weekly Active Users): Similar to DAU, but considers active users within a week.

  • WEU (Weekly Engaged Users): Measures the number of active users over a week.

  • MAU (Monthly Active Users): Broadens the scope to monthly active users.

  • MEU (Monthly Engaged Users): Captures monthly engaged users.

To remember that engagement is subjective and varies depending on your platform's nature and goals is important. While e-commerce platforms may prioritize WEU (adding items to a cart, making purchases), social media apps may prioritize DEU (posting, commenting).

Interpreting User Journeys through the Metrics Lens

Now, let's see how these metrics can paint a picture of user journeys:

Scenario 1: High DAU/WAU but Low DEU/WEU

  • Possible Interpretation: Users frequently open your app, but they do not find it engaging enough to perform desired actions.

  • Investigate reasons for low engagement (such as a complex interface or a lack of features). Ensure that the user experience is improved and that meaningful actions are encouraged.

a dashboard that shows daily active engaged users

Scenario 2: Steady DAU/WAU with Increasing DEU/WEU

  • Possible Interpretation: Users consistently use your platform and find value in it, leading to increased engagement over time.

  • Action: Focus on increasing user satisfaction and explore strategies to further improve engagement (e.g., personalized recommendations, and loyalty programs).

a dashboard that shows weekly active engaged users

Scenario 3: High MAU but Declining DEU/MEU

  • Possible Interpretation: Your platform may initially attract users, but they fail to stay engaged over time.

  • Action: Analyze reasons for churn (for example, lack of new content, and competitor offerings). Implement strategies to improve retention and re-engagement (e.g., targeted push notifications, and exclusive content).

a dashboard that shows monthly active engaged users

Remember: In addition to metrics, you should consider other factors as well. Combining user motivations and pain points with qualitative data (e.g., user feedback, surveys) helps in gaining understanding.

Beyond the Numbers: A Holistic Approach

Active and Engaged User Metrics are powerful, but they are just one piece of the puzzle. Consider these additional factors for a more comprehensive understanding:

  • Segmentation: Develop strategies based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors to identify specific groups.

  • Cohort Analysis: Analyze how engagement evolves among different user segments.

  • Multi-channel Analysis: Identify areas for improvement and optimize the overall user experience across all touchpoints (website, app, social media).

a dahsboard that shows cohort analysis

Marketers and data analysts can use both quantitative and qualitative data to understand and engage with users. This helps them gain insights, create effective strategies, and foster active and engaged user communities.

Measuring active and engaged users: Understanding dau/mau/wau

To succeed in the dynamic world of online platforms and applications, it is essential to understand user engagement. However, engagement is not a one-dimensional concept. Many shades of participation range from casual browsing to dedicated participation.

Metrics such as Active and Engaged Users play a crucial role here. Marketing and data analysts use them to improve strategies and increase user value by understanding user behavior.

a dashboard that shows engagement metrics

Let's get familiar with the key players:

  • DAU (Daily Active Users): Represents the number of users interacting with your platform on a given day.

  • DEU (Daily Engaged Users): Engages users by focusing on their specific actions (e.g., making a purchase, posting).

  • WAU (Weekly Active Users): Similar to DAU, but considers active users within a week.

  • WEU (Weekly Engaged Users): Measures the number of active users over a week.

  • MAU (Monthly Active Users): Broadens the scope to monthly active users.

  • MEU (Monthly Engaged Users): Captures monthly engaged users.

To remember that engagement is subjective and varies depending on your platform's nature and goals is important. While e-commerce platforms may prioritize WEU (adding items to a cart, making purchases), social media apps may prioritize DEU (posting, commenting).

Interpreting User Journeys through the Metrics Lens

Now, let's see how these metrics can paint a picture of user journeys:

Scenario 1: High DAU/WAU but Low DEU/WEU

  • Possible Interpretation: Users frequently open your app, but they do not find it engaging enough to perform desired actions.

  • Investigate reasons for low engagement (such as a complex interface or a lack of features). Ensure that the user experience is improved and that meaningful actions are encouraged.

a dashboard that shows daily active engaged users

Scenario 2: Steady DAU/WAU with Increasing DEU/WEU

  • Possible Interpretation: Users consistently use your platform and find value in it, leading to increased engagement over time.

  • Action: Focus on increasing user satisfaction and explore strategies to further improve engagement (e.g., personalized recommendations, and loyalty programs).

a dashboard that shows weekly active engaged users

Scenario 3: High MAU but Declining DEU/MEU

  • Possible Interpretation: Your platform may initially attract users, but they fail to stay engaged over time.

  • Action: Analyze reasons for churn (for example, lack of new content, and competitor offerings). Implement strategies to improve retention and re-engagement (e.g., targeted push notifications, and exclusive content).

a dashboard that shows monthly active engaged users

Remember: In addition to metrics, you should consider other factors as well. Combining user motivations and pain points with qualitative data (e.g., user feedback, surveys) helps in gaining understanding.

Beyond the Numbers: A Holistic Approach

Active and Engaged User Metrics are powerful, but they are just one piece of the puzzle. Consider these additional factors for a more comprehensive understanding:

  • Segmentation: Develop strategies based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors to identify specific groups.

  • Cohort Analysis: Analyze how engagement evolves among different user segments.

  • Multi-channel Analysis: Identify areas for improvement and optimize the overall user experience across all touchpoints (website, app, social media).

a dahsboard that shows cohort analysis

Marketers and data analysts can use both quantitative and qualitative data to understand and engage with users. This helps them gain insights, create effective strategies, and foster active and engaged user communities.